Eforce Sports Blog

From performance to sport specific skills to general fitness, Eforce takes your goals and helps turn them into reality

man squatting with a barbell in a gym
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Take your athletic development to the next level

With personalized coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive community, we provide the ideal environment for athletes to excel both physically and mentally.

The Importance of an In-Season Training Program

The Importance of an In-Season Training Program

We see it all too often! An athlete spends countless hours in the off-season working to develop themselves to their peak potential for their season.

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Does Skill Work = Speed Development?

Does Skill Work = Speed Development?

Most highly qualified coaches (including the EForce Performance Staff) look at athlete development through the lense of the 4 Co-Active Model.

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Sprinting Mechanics Made Simple: Max Velocity

Sprinting Mechanics Made Simple: Max Velocity

Max Velocity can be defined as the highest attainable velocity an object can reach, which is demonstrated by discontinuation of acceleration.

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Sprinting Mechanics Made Simple: Maximizing Acceleration

Sprinting Mechanics Made Simple: Maximizing Acceleration

With team sport athletes, teaching the concepts of proper acceleration mechanics is vitally important.

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Why We Don't Do Olympic Lifts (Most of the Time)

Why We Don't Do Olympic Lifts (Most of the Time)

In many strength and conditioning programs you will find that they have athletes doing Olympic Lifts (Power Clean, Snatches, Jerks) to develop power.

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Understanding Conditioning for Your Position/Sport

Understanding Conditioning for Your Position/Sport

Summer is the unofficial start of when fall sport athletes begin focusing on strength and conditioning in preparation for their upcoming season.

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Exercise Progressions: The Squat

Exercise Progressions: The Squat

Anyone who has trained with us at EForce has probably recognized that we utilize many different squat variations.

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What to Look for in a Training Shoe

What to Look for in a Training Shoe

Although it is an important factor to consider, many athletes don’t think very much about what shoes they should be training in… at least from a functionality standpoint.

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A Look Inside Your 1st Month of Training at eForce

A Look Inside Your 1st Month of Training at eForce

Oftentimes when athletes start with us the training process doesn't always look like what they expect, but the results sure do!

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What is the "Right" Squat Depth?

What is the "Right" Squat Depth?

Conversations around squat depth in the world of Sports Performance can be a bit controversial.

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The Psychology of Long-Term Elite Performance: Reducing Burnout in Sports

The Psychology of Long-Term Elite Performance: Reducing Burnout in Sports

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In-Season Training Recommendations for Baseball

In-Season Training Recommendations for Baseball

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Dispelling the Myths of Youth Weight Training

Dispelling the Myths of Youth Weight Training

When working in sports performance with youth to professional athletes it’s not uncommon for us to get asked if it’s safe for younger kids to lift weights.

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Growing Pains: Injury Risk Associated w/ Growth Spurts & Maturation

Growing Pains: Injury Risk Associated w/ Growth Spurts & Maturation

Reducing injury risk in sports at all levels is a top priority for those who work in Sports Performance and Sports Med.

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Building Blocks of a High-Performance Lifestyle

Building Blocks of a High-Performance Lifestyle

The philosophy behind the High-Performance Lifestyle is acknowledging that everything matters!

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Developing Strength in Team Sports: The Value of Sub-Maximal Training

Developing Strength in Team Sports: The Value of Sub-Maximal Training

In the realm of Team Sport athletic development, many high-level Strength and Conditioning Coaches recognize STRENGTH sets the foundation for many other athletic qualities to be built off of (Speed, Jumping, Power, etc.).

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The 40yd Dash Race Model: Drive, Rise, Run

The 40yd Dash Race Model: Drive, Rise, Run

There are many factors that go into running your best 40yd Dash and arguably maybe one of the most important is the race model.

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Medball Training for Power Development

Medball Training for Power Development

At EForce we utilize many different training methods to facilitate power development for our athletes. One staple that you’ll find in almost all our programs is the use of medballs.

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Understanding the Training Process: Stress, Recovery, Adaptation

Understanding the Training Process: Stress, Recovery, Adaptation

While often workouts written by top-level Strength & Conditioning Coaches may look simple on paper, this is actually not the case.

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Developing an Effective Warm-up

Developing an Effective Warm-up

Warm-ups are important. It’s a pretty simple statement… but why?

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A Simple Approach to Goal Setting: SMART Goals

A Simple Approach to Goal Setting: SMART Goals

Goal setting plays a large role in many athletes’ lives and provides direction, motivation, focus, and clarity. By setting goals for yourself, you’re providing a target to aim for.

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Structure Breeds freedom

Structure Breeds freedom

We’re well in to the school year and fall sports… and for most of our youth, high school and college athletes that means busy schedules!

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Defining, Testing & Categorizing Jumps / Plyometrics

Defining, Testing & Categorizing Jumps / Plyometrics

In almost every athletic development program you will find jumping/plyometrics included.

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My Off-Season Training w/ Cooper Kupp (Part 2)

My Off-Season Training w/ Cooper Kupp (Part 2)

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My Off-Season Training w/ Cooper Kupp (Part 1)

My Off-Season Training w/ Cooper Kupp (Part 1)

Through Cooper Kupp's 2021-2022 prolific triple crown season, many people began to ask the question… “What did he do in preparation to have one of the most dominant seasons in NFL WR history?”

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Train like no one else to play like no one else!

If you’re ready to take your game and fitness to the next level, our coaches and trainers are ready to work.