A Look Inside Your 1st Month of Training at eForce

A Look Inside Your 1st Month of Training at eForce

Our training systems at EForce are a little different. Oftentimes when athletes start with us the training process doesn't always look like what they expect, but the results sure do! Our goal is for our athletes to THRIVE IN not SURVIVE IN our training. Everything in our training systems serves a specific purpose for supporting both short and long term goals and we objectively measure and manage all variables. An athlete’s quest to achieve excellence starts with developing a strong foundation, which is exactly what we do in our first phase of training. In this article we will discuss the main goals of our first phase of training, how they set athletes up for success and show some examples of the results we get with athletes.      

Understanding What Training For Performance Is & Isn’t

While training can leave you sweaty, sore, tired or fatigued... these shouldn't be outcomes that are used to determine whether a workout was effective or not. In the same vein, neither should the duration of the session nor how hard it felt. As stated above, our goal is for our athletes to THRIVE IN not SURVIVE IN our training. Workouts should be graded objectively on how much better you’re getting week to week and month to month in the exercises and qualities that are important and support improved athleticism. This is why we assess, track and retest sprints, jumps, throws and often lifts within our programs. It is important to remember that hard work isn’t always meaningful and meaningful work isn’t always hard.

Man wearing blue shirt lifting weights

Beginning Training With EForce

Once athletes have gone through our evaluation process they more often than not will start in our FOUNDATIONS phase… this goes for our college and professional athletes as well. As the name of the phase suggests, we’re working to build or reestablish a strong athletic base revolving around the basics. This allows for even greater outcomes later down the line. Below are the main goals of our foundations phase:

Cleaning Up Technique:

This allows for optimal movement patterns, makes sure athletes can express outputs safely and gives them the opportunity to practice the skill of sprinting, jumping, throwing or lifting. Example; lifting slightly lighter loads with controlled tempos helps with motor learning for an exercise like the squat.

Building Work Capacity & Tissues Tolerance:

In our FOUNDATIONS phase we do a higher volume or sprint drills, remedial jumping progressions and lighter load lifting with various tempos. In doing so, we’re prepping the body and its various systems to be prepared for high intensity and high level training methods. This training will also help athletes recover more efficiently from high intensity training down the road.  

Acclimating Athletes to a New Training Regimen:

Many athletes that haven’t trained with us before will be going through a lot of ‘firsts’ in terms of training methods, exercises selection, frequency, etc. For this reason our FOUNDATIONS phase is used to help athletes appropriately acclimate to our training systems. Building the prerequisites needed for future training phases to come and allowing them time to balance our training with other athletic responsibilities (practice, games, skill work, etc.)    

Phase Potentiation:

Phase Potentiation is the strategic sequencing of programming phases to increase the potential of subsequent phases and increase long term adaptive potential. In these terms our FOUNDATIONS phase builds the fitness needed to handle harder and higher intensity training down the road and being able to recover efficiently from it leading to greater results and resiliency.  

LTAD & Yearly Training Plans:

Finally, our FOUNDATIONS phase supports Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and yearly training plans. It is important that once an athlete finishes a season that they get adequate time for recovery and is eased back into training smoothly and progressively. If rushed back into hard training too soon athletes will not get the recovery needed from the rigors of the season and my lead to plateaus or other issues down the road.

Group of men looking at a man wearing shirt doing vertical jump

Examples of Athletes Then-Now

Below are a few examples of just some of the hundreds of athletes that have had huge improvements training with EForce… and they all started with our FOUNDATIONS PHASE!

Cameron Clayton (4mo Training Results):

60yd Dash: 7.4s -- 6.96s (-.44s)

Broad Jump: 7’6’’ -- 8’6’’ (+12’’)

Front Squat: 210 lbs -- 255 lbs (+45 lbs)

Bench Press 180 lbs -- 210 lbs (+30 lbs)

Silas Starr (4mo Training Results):

40yd Dash: 5.0s -- 4.6s (-.4)

Broad Jump: 7’6’’ -- 8’8’’ (+14’’)

Front Squat: 200 lbs -- 285 lbs (+85lbs)

Bench Press: 195 lbs -- 235 lbs (+40lbs)

Braelen Bettles (4mo Training Results):

100 m Dash: 12.14s -- 11.34s (-.8s)

Broad Jump: 8’6’’ -- 9’4’’ (+10’’)

Trap Bar: 230 lbs -- 325 lbs (+95 lbs)

Bench Press: 165lbs -- 210lbs (+45 lbs)

Barrett Bevacqua (4mo Training Results):

40yd Dash: 5.68s -- 5.23s (-.45s)

Power Ball Throw: 39.5’ -- 44’ (+4.5’)

Trap Bar: 365 lbs -- 500 lbs (+135 lbs)

Bench Press: 245 lbs -- 290 lbs (+45 lbs)

Gym equipments

It’s important to remember that you can never be too good at the basics and regardless of where you are in your athletic career taking the time to readdress the basics and reestablish your foundation will pay huge dividends in the long run. Success leaves clues!!

Erik Jernstrom

Director of Sports Performance @ EForce

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